Friday, June 24, 2005

[EVENT] SFMOMA Marilyn Minter -SF

Art and Conversation: Unruly Bodies: The Art of Marilyn Minter
June 24, 2005, Noon - 1:00 p.m.
Koret Visitor Education Center, SF MOMA

New York-based painter Marilyn Minter in her first solo museum show. Minter's work examines the relationships between the body, photography, and painting, tapping into cultural anxieties about sexuality and desire. This exhibition focuses on her recent works, hyperrealistic close-ups of makeup-laden lips, eyes, and toes, whose luscious colors, glossy surfaces, and immediate subject matter are both seductive and disturbing. While Minter's images mimic fashion advertising with alarming veracity, her exaggerated gestures subvert it, exposing the pleasures and dangers of glamour.


Anonymous said...

Her exhibition is ending, some don't forget to go check out her photography! very Provacative!

Anonymous said...

hi there,

i've seen the show last month. the photographs are fuggin awesome!


Modern Portrait by Tamela Ekstrom said...
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